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6 excellent CRM strategies to ensure success

6 excellent CRM strategies to ensure success

The goal of CRM is to help you find and retain clients. Here are six Customer relationship management strategies that will supercharge your coaching practice.


As coaches, our clients are our top priority. We need to ensure our clients feel safe, confident, and ready to overcome challenges to achieve their goals. But there’s more to coaching than helping others reach their goals (although that is the best part); we need to ensure our clients feel good about our services in and out of sessions.

As we level up our coaching practices, we need to be available to various potential clients. To be competitive, we must adopt strategies for improving and managing customer experience. Hiring a customer service team to answer phone calls isn’t possible for everyone, and it’s unnecessary. Instead, we should adopt strategies to follow the customer journey from the landing page to check-out.

Here, we’ll explain how to make your business accessible and customer-friendly through customer relationship management (CRM) strategies to keep your clients happy through every step of their coaching journey.

Customer relationship management: A definition

These days, clients expect more from us; it’s the price of being a business owner. CRM strategies are a technical solution to expand your client base and keep your current clients happy. CRM software works by collecting, organizing, and implementing client data to aid the automation of customer interactions. Here are some of the ways adopting a CRM system improves coaching practices:

  • Deepening client familiarity: By collecting customer data from multiple channels, including phone, email, website use, social media accounts, and personal details, CRM systems help build a better understanding of buyer personas.
  • Converting potential customers: With a deeper understanding of client needs, it’s possible to segment leads to better address the needs of potential customers. This segmentation applies to identifying and addressing your current clients’ needs.
  • Aiding customer retention: CRM helps build profiles of past client interactions and create specific strategies to ensure customer satisfaction. And, of course, key performance indicators (KPIs) identify what successfully satisfies clients to feed into the overall process.
  • Driving better, faster communication: Customer support is one of the critical touch points between a client and any business. CRM-powered chatbots can intelligently address issues in real-time and ensure ongoing relationships with clients.

CRMs are a dynamic way of leveling up coach-client interactions and directing potential clients to address their needs. As we develop our systems, it’s important to create interfaces reflecting our services and presenting us in the best light. Here are some excellent CRM examples to build effective strategies:

6 examples of customer relationship management strategies

CRM strategies are crucial for coaches, small business owners, and huge companies. Here are some examples of successful CRM strategies:

1. Define goals

As we build our CRM strategies, it’s important to know why. Coaches use CRM to accomplish numerous objectives: 

  • Growing customer bases
  • Retaining current customers 
  • Driving lead conversion 
  • Increasing productivity

Focusing efforts on a clear goal will make a better strategy to achieve desired results faster. It’s always possible to pivot as our plans change, so revisiting this strategy is wise.

2. Understand target customers

Understanding the clients who need our services is essential to creating and strengthening relationships. No one wants to receive email marketing campaigns that don’t address their needs. Creating a buyer persona will help create a CRM strategy to address customers’ needs by combining demographic and market research with empirical observation of client interactions.

3. Run an audit

Before starting marketing efforts, it’s important to understand the existing market and internal business processes to create a successful CRM strategy. Running a SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, and threats) analysis internally and on competitors helps define what the strategy’s goals must address.


4. Stage the sales process clearly

Even if the sales team is just your prospect and you, having a clear outline of every stage of the client’s journey is key to building a CRM-powered business strategy. Coaches use CRM tools to guide clients through every step of the sales process, from when they first encounter our profile to the first session and beyond.

5. Know the service

As coaches, we need to be authoritative — when it comes to business. We need to be completely aware of what our clients need and what our practice provides. We must consider all of our features, benefits, competitive advantages, and weaknesses. An offering that doesn’t accurately reflect this information may hinder our business and ability to help others.

6. Create a complete experience

Customers likely have more than one issue or goal they need our help addressing. Seeing all of our services will help new customers and clients identify their needs and discover more about themselves and other areas of their lives that would benefit from coaching.

As coaches, we develop deep relationships with our clients, which ideally results in great customer loyalty. Providing multiple services makes our practice attractive to potential customers and clients who already know and trust us. A great customer-facing CRM system gives clients a 360-view of everything we offer in our website's environment.

Adopt better customer relationship management strategies with Practice

The goal of customer relationship management is to help large companies with multiple team members, small businesses, and coaches serve their customers, easily create client relationships, and foster business growth. Practice’s CRM software provides coaches with the tools they need to build better relationships with unlimited clients and improve workflow, scheduling, and payment with safe end-to-end encryption. Try Practice’s suite of CRM features today.

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